Community Swimming Pool
Open: Monday- Saturday
Monday-Friday Morning—5:00am-6:30am
Monday Rec Swim—3:30pm-5:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday Evening— 5:00pm - 6:300pm
Saturday Morning- 6:30am-8:00am
Summer (June-August)- Rec Swim 1:00-3:00
Yearly Rec Membership covers pool fees for 1 full calendar year. $4 per swim for non-members
Pool Chemicals and Protocol
Pool Chemicals are maintained and checked according to Wyoming Department of Agriculture standards and all protocols are followed according to these guidelines. There are specific guidelines dealing with feces in the pool and these are followed.
It is standard practice to allow children 8 years of age and older to swim without a responsible caregiver. Anyone under the age of 8 years of age should be accompanied by a responsible caregiver. The lifeguards are on duty for the safety of the patrons.
Please don’t hesitate to contact 868-2278 if you have any questions.
Summer Swimming Lessons
Every July we provide a 2 week long swimming lesson program for Pre-K through Pre-Lifeguard. Cost are $35 for the first child & $5 for each additional child in the family.
Please see the sign up form below. The emailed schedule will be sent once we have filled all classes and payment for the program has been received.
July 8th- 19th 2024 | Monday-Friday
Class times are TBD depending on number of kids & ability. We will start with the beginner swimmers first thing in the mornings and work towards the more advances classes throughout the morning.